Below you will find 8 videos preparing you to better understand enrollment management.   They will be useful  in helping you to understand and navigate the problems and solution necessary to optimize your system.

EMO Part I Newly Enrolling Influenceable Mostly Uncontrollable

EMO Part II Newly Enrolling Influenceable Mostly Uncontrollable

EMO Part II Newly Enrolling Influenceable Mostly Uncontrollable

EMO Part III Newly Enrolling Influenceable Mostly Uncontrollable

EMO Part IV Newly Enrolling Influenceable Mostly Uncontrollable

EMO Part IV Newly Enrolling Influenceable Mostly Uncontrollable

EMO Part V Newly Enrolling Influenceable Mostly Uncontrollable

EMO Part VI Newly Enrolling Influenceable Mostly Uncontrollable

EMO Part VI Newly Enrolling Influenceable Mostly Uncontrollable

EMO Part VII Newly Enrolling Influenceable Mostly Uncontrollable

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