Generate Wealth and Income as a Business Concept

These 8 peculiarities assure that along the way private schools are going to lose many customers.  In many cases they are going to have difficulties getting enough full-pay families to bring in the necessary tuition revenues; a well-devised private school marketing plan will be needed.

Although many organizations can have a few of these reason against them, none seem to have all of them like tuition charging schools. This puts tuition charging schools in a peculiar position of trying to procure their needed tuition revenues and to achieve their mission against a higher level of challenge than most businesses have. They must face the Business and Marketing Pecularities in Edcuation (BMPE) phenomena. These elements complicate the marketing of private schools and require both traditional and non-traditional marketing strategies to yield success. If you could eliminate these 8, enrollment life would be much easier, but you can’t easily or in some cases not at all. This podcast should give trustees, heads, and enrollment managers a good awareness about the challenges and charge them with making up the deficit with good fundraising and by employing strategic, marketing thinking. Click below to listen to the podcast.