Kiddie Lemonade StandPrivate schools are missing out when they don’t use selling strategies as part of their recruitment process. It isn’t just something they do in a for-profit businesses.  Selling has its own strategies and tactics and most admission professionals can learn and benefit from the science of selling.  In talking to a consultant about selling, I realized a few thoughts that I want to share.  If you are also one who believes that there is something to be learned on the sells side, then this might be interesting to you in order to provide better results for your school marketing and communications efforts.

  1. Selling doesn’t work if marketing isn’t set up. Marketing provides the messages that you should be delivering.
  2. WITPTBSFTC? You still need to know, “What is the problem to be solved for the customer?”  Why are they willing to give up their free public school option and pay your school’s tuition?  The admission (sales) person needs to stop focusing only on the greatness that they feel about the school.  Instead focus on the why this customer is in the room and then offer your solutions that best provides for the needs of this customer.
  3. Selling is more effective when the communication tools are available. You still need communication tools; those pieces that repeat what you are about to say to the family.  If you are articulating your uniqueness, but it’s not stated anywhere else, I think your selling technique will be much less effective.
  4. The Expert – You need to be position as the expert. I listened to a video by  They identified 6 key elements in the Science of Persuasion. One of the six is called “Authority.”  People want to listen to the authorities on a topic.  According to, it even works when another colleague sets you up as the authority, although he or she is part of the selling process.
  5. There are techniques and strategies for selling. Although some people are naturally good at the selling process, even they can benefit from further training.  In the corporate world, they never stop the training process for their sales people.  Independent schools need to start and make it on going too.
  6. Passion – You must have a certain amount of passion. Connecting with families on an emotional side will have a profound impact.  Your emotion is around what solves their problem, not just what makes you the most excited about your school.  Stay with the problem to be solved for the customer.
  7. Families need to understand their emotional needs in the proposition of sending their child to your school. This can be hidden, but they will connect it with their decision to enroll or not enroll in your school; so probe.

As I learn more about the selling strategies, I will share the information with in my blogs.  Don’t underestimate its power.  You are probably losing families each season, because you missed the common selling techniques that would have allowed you to demonstrate that you have the solution to their problem and that it is worth the costs.  So build those skills.