
11 Tips to Start Advancing Your Yield Strategies

What is a yield strategy?  This is a combination of touchpoints that are strategically positioned to help the private school matriculate more of the desired full-pay applicants.  By using varying touchpoints and a planned conversion approach, you can move families...

1 Big Idea to Build Better Marketing Materials

Imagine yourself walking onto a car lot.  You have an interest in a new car.  The first one you come to is a Toyota Camry sedan.  You are admiring the paint job, but you’re not interested in a Camry.  The salesperson enters the picture.  She begins by telling you...

These 8 peculiarities assure that along the way private schools are going to lose many customers.  In many cases they are going to have difficulties getting enough full-pay families to bring in the necessary tuition revenues; a well-devised private school marketing...

Does God Believe in a Marketing Plan for Christian Schools?

Does God Believe in a Marketing Plan for Christian Schools?  I am not sure that God is or is not advocating for schools to adopt a marketing plan, but let me recount this tale about the devout Christian man trapped in a flood in his home.  As the water began to rise...

Can I reach my full-pay student goal on my current path?

There are a lot of schools who have seen their full-pay numbers falling over the last 3, 5, 7 years or more.  Some don’t track those numbers, but they do know that the net tuition isn’t what it should be. Whether you are tracking them or not, you know something is...’s Ballad

(To the tune of "The Gambler"pay by Kenny Rogers) On a cool Sunday morning, In a workshop filled with people This person to my left Looked like she would start to weep She stared and seemed to know me Passing me the handouts As I touched it with my hand She just...

Trustees: Is Your School Slowly Going Out of Business?

Have you ever taken a look at your net tuition revenue growth? If not, you may be surprised to find that your school is slowly going out of business. I have looked at the information on a number of private schools and discovered some surprisingly depressing...

Test Your Marketing: School or Customer -Centric?

Are you using a school or customer -centric approach to marketing?  Most schools go with the former which is not the best choice for recruiting more full-pay families.  Here are some descriptions to show the difference between a school-centric and a customer-centric approach to marketing.  Which style are you using?

Will These 250 Schools Go Out of Business?

I have obtained some data on about 250 schools whose net tuition revenues (NTR) have fallen considerably over the last 8 years.  I am going to share some of the aggregate information and show you how to evaluate your own school’s net tuition revenue growth over the...

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