"The Five Pillars" as a Route to Success
Finding full-pay families is no easy task, but if you want to increase you success, unless someone gives your a large summer of money or your demographics change, you will need to use these tactics in a strategic manner.

Identify the customer’s problem or motivation for leaving their free option.
Paying attention to the needs of the customer is nothing new in the corporate community. However, private schools tend to go the way of being school centric. The first pillar is changing the mindset from school centric and moving to a customer centric approach which focuses on the customer’s problems first and then, demonstrates that it has the solution to the problem.

Demonstrate that you are educational experts
Parents want to buy from the best. Schools need to demonstrate to families that they are the best. This is done through allowing them to experience firsthand examples of excellence from the program, people, and current students. The catch is to do it in a way that solves their problems, needs or desires to provide for their children.

Demonstrate that you have the solution to the customers’ problem.
The customer has a reason for giving up their free public school option. A schools must discover what the reason is and demonstrate that it have the solution that meets the need of the customer. By doing this, the school will get an advantage in the competitive market place.

Show that your solution is worth the cost.
Schools say that they can’t provide proof beyond the college or secondary placement list. This isn’t good enough when it comes to paying private school tuition and distinguishing oneself from the pack. Jim Collin author of “Good to Great” offers the compelling idea. Collect enough evidence to prove to the judge (prospects) that your solution is worth the cost.

Create disciples and allies from the customers.
If you find people who are euphoric about your education, you will have your disciples. It’s because they believe in the way you do your educational approach. This is a tremendous resource to be mobilized. But first, you need to know what you believe that they are willing to follow.
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