Review Word On Stage Showing Evaluation And FeedbackEvaluate how effective the head of school or principal does with each of the 7 measurements for recruiting full-pay families?  The rating is any whole number from 1 (extremely poor) to 10 (highly effective) inclusive.  Then add up the total and complete the instant survey below.  This is a confidential survey and only the cumulative results are being shown.  The 7 areas are:

1.Does your school have a uniqueness that defines your brand?  1 – 10
2.Does the head ensure the quality of the student experience? 1- 10
3.Is the school customer centric or school centric? 1- 10
4.Are the employees supporting the work to enroll and re-enroll students? 1- 10
5.Have the right people been hired to do the marketing, communications, and sales work? 1  -10
6.Does the enrollment office have adequate resources to pursue an effective strategy? 1- 10
7.Is the head interested in the composition of the student body? 1- 10

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